beloveds | amadx

Relationship Counseling

Partner Work

For relationships that need a deeper level of care and healing, Nat guides partners to observe and identify relational patterns from the past in service of understanding what is occurring in the present moment. Relationship counseling is multi-dimensional work that is adapted to meet the needs of partners in all stages of relationships.

Relationship counseling can help partners develop empathy, self and co-regulation skills, and resilience in the face of major stressors such as attachment trauma, life transitions, betrayal, physical illness, and sexual health challenges.

Nat’s trauma informed approach is guided by their training in the Developmental Model for Couples Therapy and PACT Model (Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy). She uses the tools from these models to help partners learn and practice the skills necessary for greater intimacy, differentiation, and security in relationships. Nat also weaves aspects from their contemplative and spiritual training into partner work.

Relationship counseling sessions include embodied co-regulation and attunement practices, psychodrama exercises, structured emotional processing, and relational repair dialogues among others.

Sessions are a minimum of 75 minutes.

Partner Intensives

For partners that want to prepare for an upcoming major transition, Nat offers retreat-style relationship counseling intensives centered on topics such as the birth of a child or exploring a new structure of relationship. 

Partner intensives are also recommended for relationships in need of repair following a crisis or a significant rupture, such as a betrayal of trust.

Intensives are a minimum of 3.5 hours and can be up to 14 hours over an entire weekend.

Nat supports partners to find care and sweetness, even in the most difficult conversations.

Relationship Coaching

For partners seeking to elevate their existing relationship skills and work towards a shared intention. Coaching sessions are structured to keep partners grounded in the here and now of their relationship. Sessions can include embodied contemplative practices, relationship skill building exercises, rituals, improvisation exercises, and structured dialogue processes.

Relationship coaching sessions can provide short-term structured support (6-12 months) to address a shared intention during a major transition such as marriage, family building, or un-coupling.

Unlike relationship counseling, coaching sessions are not appropriate for partners dealing with major mental health challenges, complex trauma, substance use, or interpersonal violence.

In relationship coaching, partners can address intentions such as:

  • improving communication skills
  • exploring patterns of stagnation in sexual and erotic energies
  • learning to negotiate, acknowledge, and appreciate differences
  • working with different attachment styles and needs effectively
  • co-creating agreements for consensual non-monogamy (CNM) 
  • co-creating agreements for relationship changes (e.g. un-coupling)
As a coach, Nat joyfully holds partners accountable in their work towards a more liberated, nourishing, and loving relationship.

Co-Parent Coaching

Nat is passionate about supporting relationships as they evolve and flow through tender times of change. She provides a grounded presence and structured space for co-parents and stepparents alike to work together in service of their family’s healing.

Co-parent coaching is generally short term in nature (6-12 months), but can be resumed in the future as new co-parenting intentions arise.

Nat requires that all co-parents be engaged in their own healing outside of the co-parent coaching space (i.e. psychotherapy, spiritual counseling, mediation).