Relational Healing for Collective Liberation

being in right relationship with self, beloveds, and community

Nathalie Joyce (they/she) is a queer curandera descended from a long lineage of Afro-Cuban healers and Gallega meigas. 

Nat conjures healing and remembrance through many roles: relationship counselor, folk herbalist, ritualist, clinical social worker, facilitator, deathworker, mother, and lover.

Nat is passionate and committed to supporting individuals, partners, and folks from their own communities that hold QTBIPOC, mixed race, and neurodiverse identities.



For individuals prepared to explore deeper aspects of being in right relationship with themselves, their ancestral lineages, and our Earth.


For partners committed to being in right relationship through the practice of liberated love.


Supporting communities to be in right relationship with our Earth through dialogue and facilitation.


Being able to have worked alongside Nathalie was a gift. They created a healing space that was rooted in love, freedom, compassion, deep reflection and listening. Nathalie saw my worthiness and my wholeness when I couldn’t see it in myself, and through our journey, they helped me do the same. They helped me delve deeper into my own attachment work and they helped me redefine my relationship to myself, my family, my partner, my spirituality. Nathalie guided me to seek my own liberation, and her wisdom and insights will forever resonate within me.

— client

Nat is both a therapist and a healer. They have held me through loss and grief while helping me find the cracks for the healing to pour in. They are loving and gentle and also clear and direct. I feel both held and pushed towards my own truth.

— client

It was such a rich and beautiful experience to work with Nathalie in co-parent therapy. Nathalie brings her whole self to working with her clients in ways that bring warmth and create safety that allowed me to be vulnerable, to challenge myself and to struggle. Nathalie helped to create a container and space that allowed me to see and understand my patterns and tendencies and feel supported in learning new ways to ground and center myself to show up in a challenging relationship dynamic and to turn towards attending to my needs instead of abandoning them or neglecting them. I went into working with Nathalie hopeful that my relationship with my co-parent would strengthen. I left our work with Nathalie having had the opportunity to grow and work on myself in ways that have supported many of my relationships with dear friends, partners, and family.

— co-parent counseling client

Nathalie has been like an angel in this process, bringing peace and light.

— community death care client

Nathalie was steady, unshakeable while I was screaming and ranting. That is a gift she has. She doesn’t get scared off.

— client

I will carry Nat in my heart pocket…she got things out of me that I didn’t think I was ready to face. Thank you.

— client

Nathalie’s message is incredibly meaningful, and inspires honesty and vulnerability.

— attendee, radical self care event